ABOUT US/ Yellow Dog Deli
Yellow Dog Deli was born out of my love for animals.
There have not been many years without a four-legged companion in my life. It hasn’t always been a dog; I have raised horses for 30 years. But, I’ve always been drawn to a yellow dog. I’d like to share with you all the yellow dogs that have had an influence on my life.

When I was a very young girl I was blessed with a Lab/Collie mix named Blondie as our family dog.
Every summer we would give her a healthy haircut and then she resembled a Lab more than a Collie. She had as much love for humans as we did for her. If, by chance, we forgot to bring her in the house with us she would go find the next human that was outside. One time that took her away from our home for a week. We never thought we would see her again; but, luckily her collar and tags were still on when she was found.

Devastated when she passed we were bound and determined to have another yellow dog.
My mom would go to the local humane society weekly to find the next perfect yellow dog and one day she brought Lady home. She was a spitting image of Blondie (when she had her summer hair cut). Lady started her days with us in a subdivision and then we decided to move to the country. She had to learn how to become a country girl. The move was not her idea and for the first few weeks she would scoot under the garage door when we would leave. She didn’t want to be left behind at the new house. I was devastated when I drove down the driveway at my parents as a young adult and she was laying on the front lawn. I knew it wasn’t good. I was there when she took her last breath.

It was a few years until the next yellow dog came into my life. It was time to give raising a puppy a try.
And that’s when Hailey found her way into my world. Hailey taught me a lot. I learned the hard way about never leaving a puppy out of your sight. My fondest memory was when she decided to chew the electrical plug off my horse trailer. She learned about country life with my parent’s dog. They ate green tomatoes out of the garden together, wandered to the neighbors together and had to get picked up, and she learned the hard way about cars. One day the neighbor was driving down the driveway and in her excitement to meet them she got tangled up with the front tire. Luckily we were there and we were able to rush her to the local vet and after a few hours of surgery they saved her leg. Unfortunately, she developed seizures later in life.

When it was time for the next yellow dog it was a tougher challenge to bring one into my life.
You see… my boyfriend at the time (now my husband) was living in an apartment and his kids never owned a dog. Well, after one April Fool’s Day and the joke was on me the next day we went puppy shopping. It wasn’t long before one of the twins were walking to the car with one of the puppies we were looking at. And, on the way home, the puppy got his name….Riley. Riley taught them quickly about love and love lost. His life was cut too short.

We were in a house now and it was easy to see that a house wasn’t a home without a dog.
So, the search was on. I found a litter in Minnesota and one day I drove 5 hours to the Minneapolis airport to pick up our new puppy. He has an insane love for water. As a puppy he joined me in the shower, he has turned our water garden in the backyard into his personal pool, and he waits by the bathtub after a summer walk for some cool water to lay in. Deuce is 8 now and snuggles on the lazyboy are a nightly occurrence.
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